Sunday, June 26, 2011

Flashback: March 2011

I think we're on a roll here, posting several weeks in a row must be a record!  This week we're looking back at March!
We made this Corn & Onion Pizza from Auntie Rachel's  recipe.  Mighty delicious!
There is a tree at the park where Ani teaches her Boot Camp classes that is PERFECT for climbing!  Tyson  was up on this tree for a long time, making it hard for us to argue the fact that he IS a little Monkey!  Yesterday we went to the Zoo and while looking at the Spider Monkey's Tyson said he "remembered his old house, and his family and friends from the zoo."   He also told us yesterday after the Zoo that he wanted to share his dinner with his family at the zoo!  Our little Monkey!
He wouldn't come down!
Just like Calvin, Tyson just can't make a serious face for a nice photograph. I think I tried taking 6 or 7 shots of him and this was the one that turned out the best.  Very cute outfit!
There were a bunch of leftover stickers from Easter that Tyson found and decided to use to decorate his face.  The final sticker sealed his mouth...   Aaaaah, finally some reprieve from the constant "Why?"
There are a few scenes in the movie "Tangled" that make Tyson a little nervous.  This is almost an exact duplicate of when Mason used to hide behind the couch while watching Star Wars for the first time!  
Sometimes Tyson just likes to get muddy.
Kakaako Park at sunset. 
The kids and I were practicing our Bear Crawl up the hill.  Tyson won.
Yes, he is a Cheezball.  
Mom & Tyson spend an awful lot of time together since Ruby is in school (That's why there aren't that many shots of Ruby from March).  They get pretty cute shots together and I sometimes get lucky and get a few sent to me over the phone.  This is a good example of that.  My cute Tyson and Pretty wife!

1 comment:

  1. That pizza looks yummy! I can't believe how HUGE the kids are getting!!!
